Tag: AlGore

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Al Gore on why the ‘deck is stacked against’ COP28

Al Gore on why the ‘deck is stacked against’ COP28

Welcome back — and a big thank you to all the participants who made day one of the Moral Money Summit Americas such a success (especially the many loyal readers in attendance).We continue today in New York with an action-packed second day, featuring former Colombian president Iván Duque Márquez, Verizon chief executive Hans Vestberg, Hester...

Al Gore Doesn’t Say I Told You So

Al Gore Doesn’t Say I Told You So

There was always the possibility that Al Gore, after making the hideously painful decision to concede the contested 2000 Presidential election to George W. Bush, would have to live out the remainder of his life as both a tragic loser and a tragic hero—someone who stood down in the name of the orderly transition of...

Al Gore hits out at fossil fuel industry’s‘capture’ of UN climate negotiations

Al Gore hits out at fossil fuel industry’s‘capture’ of UN climate negotiations

Former US vice-president and climate campaigner Al Gore has hit out at the fossil fuelindustry’s “capture” of global UN negotiations on climate change “to a disturbingdegree”.It was “time to abandon the mistaken assumption” that oil and gas companies andpetrostates were “good faith participants” during the UN process that culminates in asummit to be held in...

Al Gore vs. Oil-Rich Dubai, Host of COP28

Al Gore vs. Oil-Rich Dubai, Host of COP28

Al Gore vs. Oil-Rich Dubai, Host of COP28. Al Gore, former US Vice President, recently held a TED talk in anticipation of COP28. It is the upcoming Conference of the Parties, aka UNFCCC or 2023 United Nations Climate Conference, November 30th–December 12th, 2023, to be held at Expo City, Dubai. It increasingly looks like a...