Tag: CarbonMajors

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The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report

The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report

The Carbon Majors database traces 1,421 GtCO2e of cumulative historical emissions from 1854 through 2022 to 122 industrial producers, the CO2 portion of which is equivalent to 72% of global fossil fuel and cement CO2 emissions since 1751. Over 70% of these global CO2 emissions historically can be attributed to just 78 corporate and state...

30 trillion reasons to make Big Oil pay up

30 trillion reasons to make Big Oil pay up

Since the mid-1980s, the 25 largest oil and gas companies around the world have fought climate policies tooth and nail, making US$30 trillion in the process, according to a study published Thursday. The analysis from German-headquartered Climate Analytics also calculated the climate-related damages from the emissions of the oil and gas companies and found those...