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Release: Fossil fuel lobbyists attend UN climate talks more than 7000 times

Release: Fossil fuel lobbyists attend UN climate talks more than 7000 times

BRUSSELS 21 November, 2023: Disclosed delegates tied to the world’s biggest polluting oil and gas firms and their trade groups have attended UN-led climate talks at least 7200 times over the last 20 years, according to a new analysis from the Kick Big Polluters Out (KBPO) coalition. Just days ahead of COP28, an event already mired in controversy in...

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

Carbon capture: The oil lobby’s Trojan horse at COP28

How fossil fuel lobbyists are skewing climate talks towards false solutions Carbon capture will be a hot topic at this year’s COP28. Oil and gas companies say it’s a solution to the climate crisis – reducing emissions by removing carbon from the air, during industrial processes or when producing electricity. The problem is, it doesn’t work...

Capturing Cop28 chief’s oil firm emissions would take centuries – study

Capturing Cop28 chief’s oil firm emissions would take centuries – study

Analysis deems technology promoted by Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber ‘dangerous red herring’. Climate-wrecking emissions produced by the oil company of the Cop28 president, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, would take hundreds of years to remove using the carbon capture technology he has been promoting. With just weeks to go until the crucial Cop28 climate summit, Al Jaber, who...

30 trillion reasons to make Big Oil pay up

30 trillion reasons to make Big Oil pay up

Since the mid-1980s, the 25 largest oil and gas companies around the world have fought climate policies tooth and nail, making US$30 trillion in the process, according to a study published Thursday. The analysis from German-headquartered Climate Analytics also calculated the climate-related damages from the emissions of the oil and gas companies and found those...

Cop28 host UAE has world’s biggest climate-busting oil plans, data indicates

Cop28 host UAE has world’s biggest climate-busting oil plans, data indicates

State oil company’s huge expansion plans make its CEO’s role as president of UN climate summit ‘ridiculous’, say researchers. The state oil company of the United Arab Emirates, whose CEO will preside over imminent UN climate negotiations, has the largest net-zero-busting expansion plans of any company in the world, according to new data. Sultan Al Jaber...

COP28 President Al Jaber’s oil company ADNOC will take 340 years to capture the carbon it produces by 2030

COP28 President Al Jaber’s oil company ADNOC will take 340 years to capture the carbon it produces by 2030

With just weeks to go until the COP28 climate summit, Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, who’s both the COP President and boss of UAE oil giant ADNOC, has been promoting carbon capture as a climate solution. “If we are serious about curbing industrial emissions,” Al Jaber said in May, “we need to get serious about carbon capture technologies.”...

Taiwan’s exclusion from COP28 highly unfair: environment minister

Taiwan’s exclusion from COP28 highly unfair: environment minister

In a recent interview with Nikkei Asia, Environment Minister Hsueh Fu-sheng (薛富盛) voiced discontent over Taiwan’s exclusion from the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28. When asked whether it is conducive to exclude Taiwan from the COP28 summit, Hsueh said that it is very unfair to Taiwan as the country has one of the...

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More than 650 scientists signed a letter sent to President Biden today calling on him to commit to more ambitious U.S. climate actions in the lead-up to the annual U.N. climate talks—also called COP28—in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nearing the end of a year in which the world witnessed devastating climate-fueled disasters, record-breaking global average temperatures, and...

UAE oil giant’s two missions: a greener image and ‘accelerated growth’

UAE oil giant’s two missions: a greener image and ‘accelerated growth’

The company, whose CEO will lead the upcoming U.N. climate summit, is pledging lofty goals for cutting pollution. But it has a “high” probability of failing to meet them, a document obtained by POLITICO’s E&E News says. The oil and gas executive helming the next United Nations climate summit warned world leaders in September that global warming...