Tag: ClimateChangeEffects

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Study reveals best temperature for all life to thrive and animals most threatened by global warming

Study reveals best temperature for all life to thrive and animals most threatened by global warming

Findings add to growing evidence that biodiversity already reducing across world will be further compounded. All species on Earth appear to thrive at an “optimal” 20°C, according to a new study, which suggests land species may struggle more to adapt to changing climate. The review of studies confirmed that the temperature ranges of animals, plants as well as microbes living both in air and water...

Climate change is affecting bears, and humans need to learn more to avoid conflicts

Climate change is affecting bears, and humans need to learn more to avoid conflicts

In 1967, two simultaneous grizzly bear attacks in Montana’s Glacier National Park launched an era of research into human-bear conflicts. Studies showed the importance of stopping two specific bear behaviours: food conditioning and habituation to people. Those pioneering findings translated readily into advice and policies, saving many bear and human lives. Read more: theconversation.com Photo: unsplash.com