Tag: FossilFuel

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The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report

The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report

The Carbon Majors database traces 1,421 GtCO2e of cumulative historical emissions from 1854 through 2022 to 122 industrial producers, the CO2 portion of which is equivalent to 72% of global fossil fuel and cement CO2 emissions since 1751. Over 70% of these global CO2 emissions historically can be attributed to just 78 corporate and state...

How Big Oil is Taking Us for a Fossil-Fuelized Ride

How Big Oil is Taking Us for a Fossil-Fuelized Ride

A recent opinion poll rocked the world of the Big Oil lobbyists in their proverbial thousand-dollar suits and alligator shoes. The Pew Research Center found that 37% of Americans now feel that fighting the climate crisis should be the number one priority of President Joe Biden and Congress, and another 34% put it among their highest priorities,...

COP28: Climate Summit in Closed Civic Space

COP28: Climate Summit in Closed Civic Space

The need to act on the climate crisis has never been clearer. In 2023, heat records have been shattered around the world. Seemingly every day brings news of extreme weather, imperilling lives. In July, UN Secretary-General António Guterres grimly announced that ‘the era of global boiling has arrived’. In short, there’s a lot at stake as the...

‘Stop the madness’ of climate change, UN chief declares

‘Stop the madness’ of climate change, UN chief declares

Nepal has lost almost a third of its ice volume in 30 years, with glaciers melting 65 per cent faster in the last decade than in the previous one. “The rooftops of the world are caving in,” the UN chief said, warning that the “disappearance of glaciers altogether” looms even larger. “Glaciers are icy reservoirs –...

Al Gore Calls Out the Bankers ‘Profiting Hugely’ From Big Oil

Al Gore Calls Out the Bankers ‘Profiting Hugely’ From Big Oil

Al Gore, the former US vice president turned climate crusader, says Big Oil and the banks backing it still have huge financial incentives to stick with fossil fuels, even though their decision to do so is the leading cause of the climate crisis. Bankers “are profiting hugely” from their role as lenders and advisers to...

The fossil fuel industry’s obstructionist climate change tactics

The fossil fuel industry’s obstructionist climate change tactics

Oil and gas firms tout speculative technologies such as solar geoengineering to deflect attention from their responsibility for global warming, and the need for a rapid, equitable transition to renewables. As the world grapples with an unprecedented confluence of devastating floods, wildfires, and droughts, the debate about how to address the escalating climate crisis is increasingly distorted by...

Zero: Why is COP28 letting a fox guard the henhouse?

Zero: Why is COP28 letting a fox guard the henhouse?

Talk about letting the fox into the henhouse. Sultan Ahmed al-Jaber may be a competent politician, diplomat and business leader. But whether the United Arab Emirates’ minister of industry and advanced technology is well suited to chair the forthcoming UN climate summit, COP28, in Dubai this November is a different matter. Besides his cabinet duties, al-Jaber...