Tag: FossilFuelPhaseout

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To greenwash or do the right thing? Corporate dilemmas at COP28

To greenwash or do the right thing? Corporate dilemmas at COP28

They call the giant climate business expo running outside the COP28 United Nations talks in Dubai the “green zone”. With the enormous former Expo 2020 site given over to green—and not so green—companies to trumpet their climate credentials, the private sector has never been embraced so warmly at a climate summit as it has been in the...

COP28: The Significant Issues to Watch

COP28: The Significant Issues to Watch

With around two weeks to go before the start of the COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, the main priorities for those climate talks are coming into sharper focus. For industry, an important conversation to watch is the continuing, deepening push for agreement on phasing out fossil fuels. Expect this to be a major priority from...

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More Than 650 Scientists Call on President Biden to Take Ambitious Climate Action at COP28

More than 650 scientists signed a letter sent to President Biden today calling on him to commit to more ambitious U.S. climate actions in the lead-up to the annual U.N. climate talks—also called COP28—in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nearing the end of a year in which the world witnessed devastating climate-fueled disasters, record-breaking global average temperatures, and...

Over 100 Organizations Urge COP28 President in Open Letter: Rethink Fossil Fuel Strategy

Over 100 Organizations Urge COP28 President in Open Letter: Rethink Fossil Fuel Strategy

November 13, 2023 – Two weeks prior to COP28, a coalition led by 350.org and Oil Change International, comprising over 100 organizations, express grave concerns in an open letter regarding the energy strategy outlined by the COP28 president in two recent communications. The open letter demands a full, fast, funded, and fair phase-out of fossil fuels instead of...

Mideast crisis could alter outcomes of upcoming UN climate summit

Mideast crisis could alter outcomes of upcoming UN climate summit

A little more than a month remains before the start of the next United Nations Climate Summit, known as COP28, taking place in Dubai. But the already fraught talks are facing another potential obstacle: the threat of regional Mideast instability following Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel. Why it matters: At COP28, countries are tasked with weighing actions...