Tag: FossilFuels

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How oil companies put the responsibility for climate change on consumers

How oil companies put the responsibility for climate change on consumers

The political response to the climate crisis remains largely inadequate in the face of heat waves, hurricanes, floods and forest fires that are accelerating and intensifying. The political inertia can be explained, among other things, by the stranglehold of fossil fuel interests on political decision-makers, and the strong influence polluting industries have on the spheres of power in...

Climate change study puts expiration date on all mammals

Climate change study puts expiration date on all mammals

Unprecedented global warming will wipe out all mammals during a mass extinction event in about 250 million years, according to a new study. The world’s continents are predicted to eventually merge once again to form an ultra-hot, dry and largely uninhabitable supercontinent called Pangea Ultima, said the climate change research, published on Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience. Read more: independent.co.uk Photo: independent.co.uk

Al Gore Doesn’t Say I Told You So

Al Gore Doesn’t Say I Told You So

There was always the possibility that Al Gore, after making the hideously painful decision to concede the contested 2000 Presidential election to George W. Bush, would have to live out the remainder of his life as both a tragic loser and a tragic hero—someone who stood down in the name of the orderly transition of...

It’s Time to Boycott COP-OUT 28

It’s Time to Boycott COP-OUT 28

To keep pretending, year after year, decade after decade, that the U.N. process is working when everyone can see that it is failing, is its own kind of denial. Every year, the world’s governments gather at what the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC, calls a Conference of the Parties, or COP,...

Oil Titans Clamor to Be Part of Climate Conversation

Oil Titans Clamor to Be Part of Climate Conversation

Executives are talking up their net zero plans, but there’s a risk the gap between rhetoric and reality becomes too wide. The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, or Adipec, is the most oily event imaginable: acres of halls filled with people selling pipes, pumps and drill bits — everything you need to get fossil fuels out...

Boycott COP28: 'Holding a climate conference in Dubai is absurd and dangerous'

Boycott COP28: ‘Holding a climate conference in Dubai is absurd and dangerous’

Boycott COP28: ‘Holding a climate conference in Dubai is absurd and dangerous’. The venue of the 28th edition COP (Conference of the Parties), set to begin on November 30 in Dubai, is a disastrous choice for the fight against climate disruption. We call on public authorities, NGOs, organizations, scientists and business leaders not to support...

The UAE holds a major oil and gas conference just ahead of hosting UN COP28 climate talks in Dubai

The UAE holds a major oil and gas conference just ahead of hosting UN COP28 climate talks in Dubai

The UAE holds a major oil and gas conference just ahead of hosting UN COP28 climate talks in Dubai. The UAE holds a major oil and gas conference just ahead of hosting UN COP28 climate talks in Dubai. The Emirati president-designate of the upcoming United Nations COP28 climate talks called on oil and gas companies...