Tag: GlobalSupplyChains

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Climate change puts global semiconductor manufacturing at risk. Can the industry cope?

Climate change puts global semiconductor manufacturing at risk. Can the industry cope?

Semiconductors are the basic building blocks of microchips. These technological marvels are in everything from lightbulbs and toothbrushes to cars, trains and planes, not to mention the vast array of electronics that have become integral to many people’s daily lives. The 21st century chip manufacturing industry has been described as “at least as significant geopolitically as...

Why Russia Has Been So Resilient to Western Export Controls

Why Russia Has Been So Resilient to Western Export Controls

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the United States imposed an unprecedented package of sanctions intended to make Russia pay a high economic cost for its aggression and to constrain the Russian military. U.S. President Joe Biden declared that Russia would “bear the consequences” for the invasion and emphasized that sanctions were designed to reverse Russia’s military modernization,...