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The Future of Russian Energy Exports under Sanctions

The Future of Russian Energy Exports under Sanctions

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the European Union (EU) has pursued policies aimed at shifting its energy sources away from Russia. This has resulted in a decline in the bloc’s dependence on Russian energy. Meanwhile, Russia has focused on exporting oil and natural gas to regions outside the EU to maintain...

The Hotspots of Modern Slavery

The Hotspots of Modern Slavery

Approximately 10.5 percent of North Korea‘s population, including migrant workers and human trafficking victims, are categorized as modern slaves, according to data by the Walk Free Foundation. While this only amounts to roughly five percent of the total of estimated modern slaves worldwide, our chart shows that only one other country comes close to this population...

India unlikely to join global cooling pledge at COP28 – govt sources

India unlikely to join global cooling pledge at COP28 – govt sources

India is unlikely to sign onto a global pledge to reduce cooling-related emissions at the COP 28 climate meeting, citing the need for the world’s most populous country to have affordable cooling, two government officials told Reuters. The pledge to cut cooling-related carbon dioxide emissions by at least 68% by 2050 compared with 2022 levels...

Al Gore Calls Out the Bankers ‘Profiting Hugely’ From Big Oil

Al Gore Calls Out the Bankers ‘Profiting Hugely’ From Big Oil

Al Gore, the former US vice president turned climate crusader, says Big Oil and the banks backing it still have huge financial incentives to stick with fossil fuels, even though their decision to do so is the leading cause of the climate crisis. Bankers “are profiting hugely” from their role as lenders and advisers to...

12 Most Polluted Countries 2023 – Breathing Heavy

12 Most Polluted Countries 2023 – Breathing Heavy

12 Most Polluted Countries 2023: Breathing Heavy. Environmental pollution is a pressing global issue that poses significant health risks and ecological challenges. Unfortunately, there are countries around the world that face particularly high levels of pollution. From air pollution to water contamination, these nations struggle to combat the detrimental effects of environmental degradation. In this...

EU to mull sanctions on Dubai shipper suspected of running Russian tanker fleet

EU to mull sanctions on Dubai shipper suspected of running Russian tanker fleet

SUN Ship Management has become one of the main transporters of Russian oil to countries including India and Cuba. BRUSSELS — The EU is discussing whether to sanction Dubai-based shipping company SUN Ship Management Ltd, which is suspected of helping Russia circumvent restrictions on its oil exports, three diplomats told POLITICO’s Brussels Playbook on condition of anonymity....

EU to mull sanctions on Dubai shipper suspected of running Russian tanker fleet

EU to mull sanctions on Dubai shipper suspected of running Russian tanker fleet

SUN Ship Management has become one of the main transporters of Russian oil to countries including India and Cuba. BRUSSELS — The EU is discussing whether to sanction Dubai-based shipping company SUN Ship Management Ltd, which is suspected of helping Russia circumvent restrictions on its oil exports, three diplomats told POLITICO’s Brussels Playbook on condition of anonymity....