Tag: LaborRights

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Plight of Nepali migrants: UAE emerging as transit point for human trafficking

Plight of Nepali migrants: UAE emerging as transit point for human trafficking

In recent times, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has increasingly become a transit point for human traffickers, exploiting the vulnerabilities of Nepali migrants seeking better opportunities abroad. Due to the easy accessibility of visit visas, many find themselves face to face with deception and exploitation. Tej Bahadur Chhetri, the Nepali ambassador to the UAE, raises...

AB: The Connection Between Climate Change and Modern Slavery

AB: The Connection Between Climate Change and Modern Slavery

Climate change is traditionally regarded as an environmental issue. But climate change also threatens human rights, with material implications for investors. Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, but it’s often seen as strictly an environmental cause. We believe that needs to change. That’s because climate change is also a...