Tag: publicinterest

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Telegraph bidder accused of ‘last-minute smoke and mirrors’

Telegraph bidder accused of ‘last-minute smoke and mirrors’

The Abu Dhabi fund pursuing a takeover of The Telegraph has been accused of “last-minute smoke and mirrors” after it revised the deal prompting further delays and uncertainty. Writing in The Telegraph, the former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said the changes were “undoubtedly an attempt to convince the regulators and responsible ministers that...

A misogynist foreign state must not be allowed to own The Telegraph

A misogynist foreign state must not be allowed to own The Telegraph

This paper has a proud history of promoting women’s voices, including mine. It has to continue in that vein. Our government has passed the ;rst test. In issuing a Public Interest Intervention Notice (PIIN) in response to the United Arab Emirates funded bid to buy the Telegraph titles and The Spectator magazine, culture secretary Lucy...

Lord Hague comes out against ‘disturbing’ UAE attempt to buy The Telegraph

Lord Hague comes out against ‘disturbing’ UAE attempt to buy The Telegraph

Lord Hague comes out against ‘disturbing’ UAE attempt to buy The Telegraph. Lord Hague has described The Telegraph’s proposed takeover by Abu Dhabi as “disturbing” and one that “should be prevented”. The former foreign secretary called on Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, to intervene by triggering a regulatory investigation in the public interest. Writing in...

Foreign Office ‘trying to block’ Telegraph takeover investigation’

Foreign Office ‘trying to block’ Telegraph takeover investigation’

The Foreign Office has been accused of attempting to block an official investigation into the takeover of The Telegraph by an Abu Dhabi-backed organisation. Lucy Frazer, the culture secretary, has said that she is minded to open a regulatory investigation into whether the bid by RedBird IMI would be against the public interest. The Telegraph...

In Geneva, the methods of « king of detectives » fully reveled

In Geneva, the methods of « king of detectives » fully reveled

A data leak reveals years of special operations by the Geneva agency Alp Services on behalf of the secret services of the United Arab Emirates. This European scandal shakes the boss, Mario Brero, who has long ruled the opaque world of economic intelligence and smear operations. When hackers do marketing, this gives a mysterious PowerPoint...