Sign the petition to stop Syrian war criminal Assad attending the COP 28 climate conference

Sign the petition to stop Syrian war criminal Assad attending the COP 28 climate conference

To the United Arab Emirates, host of COP 28, and all member states of the United Nations

Brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad must be held to account for crimes against humanity, not given a platform to greenwash the Syrian regime’s atrocities at the world’s climate conference – his first international conference since 2011.

Inviting Assad sends a clear message to all war criminals that impunity is the rule of law. We call on the host of COP 28, the United Arab Emirates, to uninvite Assad and we urge all UN member states to oppose the Syrian regime attending COP.

Time is running out until the world’s climate conference this November, but instead of protecting humanity, COP 28 host the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has invited Syrian war criminal Bashar al-Assad to join the talks.

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