Tag: Exploitation

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Plight of Nepali migrants: UAE emerging as transit point for human trafficking

Plight of Nepali migrants: UAE emerging as transit point for human trafficking

In recent times, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has increasingly become a transit point for human traffickers, exploiting the vulnerabilities of Nepali migrants seeking better opportunities abroad. Due to the easy accessibility of visit visas, many find themselves face to face with deception and exploitation. Tej Bahadur Chhetri, the Nepali ambassador to the UAE, raises...

Dubai’s dark side: Top lawyer warns women of ‘scary’ dangers of heading to the UAE to marry rich men – as females flaunt their luxury lives with designer bags, clothes and supercars in the Middle East

Dubai’s dark side: Top lawyer warns women of ‘scary’ dangers of heading to the UAE to marry rich men – as females flaunt their luxury lives with designer bags, clothes and supercars in the Middle East

British wives boasting of luxury new lives funded by millionaire husbands in Dubai have been warned they risk being dumped homeless on the streets at any moment. Experts have revealed a surge in complaints from not only women but also men betrayed and dumped by wealthy partners after upping sticks for the Middle East. The alert comes amid a TikTok and Instagram trend...

The Kingpin Who Kidnapped Migrants for Ransom

The Kingpin Who Kidnapped Migrants for Ransom

An Eritrean trafficker promised to help Africans desperate to reach Europe—then brutalized them inside a Libyan compound while extorting their families back home. With his fortune, he partied in Dubai. Daniel Yalke was twenty when he left Ethiopia and set off for Europe. One of six siblings from a poor family in Cherkos, a tough...

‘We lie on the floor till someone buys us’: shocking allegations of UAE agencies’ abuse of domestic workers

‘We lie on the floor till someone buys us’: shocking allegations of UAE agencies’ abuse of domestic workers

Women seeking jobs as domestic workers in the UAE allege they are being detained and abused in squalid accommodation, while recruiters sell them over apps and social media platforms to household employers, according to interviews and documents seen by the Guardian. In a series of interviews conducted over several years, 14 women from east Africa...

Modern-Day Slavery in the United Arab Emirates

Modern-Day Slavery in the United Arab Emirates

Modern-Day Slavery in the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), renowned for its opulent skyscrapers and extravagant lifestyle, hides a dark reality beneath its glossy facade, where there exists a foundation of human tragedy that paints a stark contrast to its outward image. In the pursuit of a better life, millions of South...