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Why is a ‘French Foreign Legion’ for the UAE problematic?

Why is a ‘French Foreign Legion’ for the UAE problematic?

The UAE is a hub for mercenaries in Africa and the Middle East. Now the Emirates want their own version of the French Foreign Legion. That may change how secret, private armies work in a legal grey zone. The job advertisement intrigued a lot more people than it was meant to, possibly because it sounded...

Carbon colonialism’ in Africa meets resistance as companies seek to sell carbon credits from conservation projects that often upend local livelihoods—or worse

Carbon colonialism’ in Africa meets resistance as companies seek to sell carbon credits from conservation projects that often upend local livelihoods—or worse

Matthew Walley’s eyes sweep over the large forest that has sustained his Indigenous community in Liberia for generations. Even as the morning sun casts a golden hue over the canopy, a sense of unease lingers. Their use of the land is being threatened, and they have organized to resist the possibility of losing their livelihood....

The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report

The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report

The Carbon Majors database traces 1,421 GtCO2e of cumulative historical emissions from 1854 through 2022 to 122 industrial producers, the CO2 portion of which is equivalent to 72% of global fossil fuel and cement CO2 emissions since 1751. Over 70% of these global CO2 emissions historically can be attributed to just 78 corporate and state...



If you’re looking for someone to blame the worsening degradation of the climate upon, look no further than these 57 entities, which according to researchers are the main culprits behind climate change. The Carbon Majors Database, which compiles the worst carbon emissions offenders, has released a new briefing about the companies doing the most harm to the...

Violent war of words between Algiers and Abu Dhabi

Violent war of words between Algiers and Abu Dhabi

The latent crisis between Algiers and Abu Dhabi is now out in the open. This week, the X network (formerly Twitter) is flooded with hundreds of messages, oscillating between reproaches and hostilities, between Emirati internet users and, on the other side, Algerians or other nationalities defending Algiers’ position. The intensity of these less-than-cordial exchanges is...

Rwanda: Genocide Archives Released

Rwanda: Genocide Archives Released

(Nairobi) – Human Rights Watch announced today that it is releasing a series of archives highlighting the extraordinary efforts of human rights defenders in Rwanda and abroad, to warn about the planned 1994 genocide and attempt to stop the killings. The documents painfully illustrate leading international actors’ refusal to acknowledge the slaughter of more than half a million people and act...

Climate change and nuclear waste are a toxic stew

Climate change and nuclear waste are a toxic stew

One of global warming’s more colorful dangers is the possibility that melting permafrost will revive prehistoric diseases and trigger horrific pandemics. But the more immediate candidates for a disastrous, climate-fueled comeback are newer and man-made. A hotter and more chaotic atmosphere is making it harder to build nuclear weapons and store waste safely in an...