Tag: boycottcop28

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This COP28 in Dubai is likely to be a massive greenwashing operation

This COP28 in Dubai is likely to be a massive greenwashing operation

Nicolas Pereira, the president and founder of the World Impact Summit, is among those calling for a boycott of COP28, which will take place from November 30th to December 12th, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He explains his reasons. November 15th, 2023 by Florence Santrot The new climate conference organized by the United Nations...

Sign the petition to stop Syrian war criminal Assad attending the COP 28 climate conference

Sign the petition to stop Syrian war criminal Assad attending the COP 28 climate conference

To the United Arab Emirates, host of COP 28, and all member states of the United Nations Brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad must be held to account for crimes against humanity, not given a platform to greenwash the Syrian regime’s atrocities at the world’s climate conference – his first international conference since 2011. Inviting Assad sends a...

Abu Dhabi’s censor-in-chiefset to takecharge at the Telegraph

Abu Dhabi’s censor-in-chiefset to takecharge at the Telegraph

UPDATE “In addition to Mr. Zucker, the key players in the new venture, known as RedBird IMI, are Gerry Cardinale, the chief executive and founder of RedBird, and Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, an Emirati government minister who has spearheaded many of IMI’s investment conversations in the United States. Mr. Cardinale is the chief investment officer...

Pope calls out UAE’s ‘conflict of interest’ as Cop28 host in strongest ever statement on climate crisis

Pope calls out UAE’s ‘conflict of interest’ as Cop28 host in strongest ever statement on climate crisis

Pope Francis has called out the “conflict of interest” of the United Arab Emirates as this year’s climate summit host in the strongest ever statement released by the Vatican on the climate crisis. In a new document titled “Laudate Deum” or “Praise God” on Wednesday, the Pope issued a stern call for climate action and questioned UAE’s position as a host for...

The UAE Is Fueling Russia’s War Machine

The UAE Is Fueling Russia’s War Machine

Acording to British academic Matthew Hedges, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has deepened its friendship with the Russian Federation since Russia invaded Ukraine. A fact that taken together with the UAE joining the BRICS alliance, may prove to be a major test of the strength of the West to maintain hegemony over the world order. Just in...

The Dangerous Loophole in Western Sanctions on Russia

The Dangerous Loophole in Western Sanctions on Russia

The Dangerous Loophole in Western Sanctions on Russia. Putin’s weaponry runs on advanced electronic components obtained from a hidden international market. Through a rare, hydra-headed blend of government sanctions and the historic stampede of 1,100 multinational firms out of the country, the economic blockade of Russia has proved highly effective. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war campaign struggles onward,...

UAE fossil fuel investments in the UK being pushed by climate change denier

UAE fossil fuel investments in the UK being pushed by climate change denier

Top UK officials had undeclared meetings with UAE ambassador at private parties hosted by billionaire Tory donor Michael Hintze, according to an Insight investigation by The Sunday Times. Hintze, a British-Australian hedge fund manager worth £1.7 billion, has given over £4 million to the Conservative party and founded the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a climate...

Wagner: Sword of Damocles amid Russia’s potential troubles

Wagner: Sword of Damocles amid Russia’s potential troubles

The use of mercenaries dates back to 400 B.C., and they were used by ancient Greeks, Alexander the Great and Rome’s army. Since then, there have been several debates around their use for centuries, and some intellectuals argued that they are beneficial while others opposed the idea of using mercenaries. In his famous book “Utopia,”...

Adnoc Drilling lands $2bn worth of new contracts

Adnoc Drilling lands $2bn worth of new contracts

UAE-based Adnoc Drilling has won five 10-year contracts worth $2bn from state-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). The largest national drilling company in the Middle East by rig fleet size will support ADNOC Offshore’s growing drilling operations with five high-specification, premium jackups along with all required manpower and equipment. The rigs will start activity...